There is currently no single, unified written system used throughout the Anishinaabemowin speaking world, but the Double Vowel system is widely used. There are other writing systems in use; the Syllabary system used in Northern Manitoba and Ontario for example, among others. If you're interested in other writing systems, there's a great Wiki article located here.
The Double Vowel system is attributed to Charles Fiero and is sometimes referred to as the Fiero System. It's easily understood and I think that contributes to why it's in wide use.
The following is a list of all written sounds, an excample use and their approximate English equivalent. Note the the approximate English equivalent is just that - approximate.
Vowels | Ojibwe Sound | English Equivalent |
a | asemaa (tobacco) | about |
aa | omaa (here) | father |
e | esiban (raccoon) | way |
i | gimiwan (it's raining) | pin |
ii | niiwin (four) | seen |
o | opin (potato) | obey, book |
oo | oodenaang (in/to town) | boat, boot |
Consonants | Ojibwe Sound | English Equivalent |
b | bakwezhigan (bread) | big |
ch | chi-oginiig (tomatoes) | chin |
d | doodooshaaboo (milk) | dog |
g | gaag (porcupine) | go |
h | hay' (oops) | hi |
j | maajaan (go) | jello |
k | mikinaak (turtle) | kite |
m | mamoon (take it) | milk |
n | bine (partridge) | name |
p | baapiwag (they laugh) | pig |
s | es (clam) | sun |
sh | nishkaadizi (s/he's angry) | bush |
t | anit (fish spear) | time |
w | waawan (egg) | woman |
y | babagiwayaan (shirt) | yell |
z | mooz (moose) | zebra |
zh | niizh (two) | measure |
' | ma'iingan (wolf) | oh-oh (glottal stop) |
Credit for this pronunciation guide goes to Rick Gresczyk (Ojibwe Word List. Eagle Works, Minneapolis, MN.) and to John Nichols and Earl Nyholm (A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe).
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