

When I set out to look for learning materials on the web, I was initially excited to find so many search results for the language. This excitement quickly faded with the number of 404 - Not Found messages I kept getting on each click of a link. So I've created this space as a repository of resources for learning Anishinaabemowin, or more specifically, Ojibwemowin. With time, I hope it can be of use not just to me, but to others.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Stepping through a course - Lesson 21

Another very short dialog example in this lesson. The Pimsleur opening dialog is actually quite long, but everything in the dialog has been covered in previous lessons. The example that follows are for the most part new words and concepts. At the end of the lesson I also introduce three different ways to ask "Why?" and give examples.

Dialog - 
M: Nishwaaswaabik na gidayaawaa?
* * * * * * * * * * * *
F: Aaniish apii wii-kiiwoseyan?
M: Ishkwaa wiisiniyaan.
F: Aaniindi wii-kiiwoseyan?
M: Iwidi.
* * * * * * * * * * * *

Here's a line-by-line breakdown:

M: Nishwaaswaabik na gidayaawaa?
  • A new word, nishwaaswi, combined with waabik to create "eight dollars". He's asking "Do yo have eight dollars?"
* * * * * * * * * * * *
F: Aaniish apii wii-kiiwoseyan?

  • Another new word - a verb, giiwose, meaning hunt. She asks "When are you going hunting?"
M: Ishkwaa wiisiniyaan.
  • Afer I eat.
F: Aaniindi wii-kiiwoseyan?
  • As in the previous example, since it's a question word, we need to use the conjunct form of verb conjugation. She asks "Where will you hunt?/Where are you going to hunt?"
M: Iwidi.
  • Over there.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
New words this lesson:
  • nishwaaswi - eight
  • zhaangaswi-  nine (nine dollars is formed the same as eight dollars: zhaangaswaabik)
  • giiwose - hunt

Other vocabulary:
  • mawi - cry
  • ikido - say
  • wegonen pro+onji-(wenji) - why
    • Wegonen wenji-ikidoyan iw? - Why do you say that?
  • aaniin-wenji - why
    • Aaniin wenji-maajaayan? - Why are you leaving?
  • aaniin dash wenji - why
    • Aaniin dash wenji-mino-ayaasiwan? - Why are you not feeling well?
    • Aaniin dash wenji-mawiyan? - Why are you crying?

1 comment:

  1. The alternation between giiwose / kiiwose can be confusing - discussed by the blogger in lesson 23.


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