

When I set out to look for learning materials on the web, I was initially excited to find so many search results for the language. This excitement quickly faded with the number of 404 - Not Found messages I kept getting on each click of a link. So I've created this space as a repository of resources for learning Anishinaabemowin, or more specifically, Ojibwemowin. With time, I hope it can be of use not just to me, but to others.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Stepping through a course - Lesson 28

A very short lesson today. Only two new verbs, one of which I've added at the end of the lesson.

Dialog - 

M: Gidanokii na?
F: Gidaa-anokii.
F: Nimaamaa ashange.
F: Maamaanaan ashange.
M: Aaniindi wii-ashanged? (Not part of Pimsleur)
* * * * * * * * * * * *

Here's a line-by-line breakdown:

M: Gidanokii na?
  • Are you going to go to work?
F: Gidaa-anokii.
  • You should go to work.
F: Nimaamaa ashange.
  • The new verb "ashange" means to serve food or to feed. She says " My mother is serving food."
F: Maamaanaan ashange.
  • Grandmother is serving food.
M: Aaniindi wii-ashanged? (I've added this myself as an example of using the verb in a question.)
  • When will she serve food?

New words this lesson:
  • ashange - feed, serve food

Other vocabulary:
  • naboobiike - make soup
  • gichi-oginii-naboob - tomato soup
    • Geyaabi imbakade, - I'm still hungry. 
    • Giwii-naboobiike na? - Will you make some soup?


  1. Aaniindi wii-ashanged?
    That sounds to me more like "Where will she serve food?"
    For "when," I would use "aaniish apii wii-ashanged?"
    Also interesting to note, this verb is a good example of a member of what I call a "verb triplet" - 3 different verbs that are closely related but different gramatically
    ashange - vai - s/he feeds people
    ashandan - vti - feed it
    asham - vta - feed him/her

    There are some triplets, and lots of pairs (vai/vti only but no vai) in ojibwe. You can't usually make a general rule to predict one from the other, but they tend to have a lot of overlap in their letters and there are some general patterns. For example, lots of vti verbs end in "an."
    gikendan - vti - know it
    gikenim - vta - know him/her

    1. I wish I could edit comments instead of just making another one - so many opportunities for little errors, haha. Anyway, meant to write "lots of pairs - vta/vti only but no va"


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